AX and AXP filters for respiratory protection: the complete guide

AX and AXP filters for respiratory protection

The workplace safety is a top priority, especially in environments exposed to hazardous gases, organic vapors, or particulates.

Among the most effective personal protective equipment (PPE) for respiratory safety, AX and AXP filters for respiratory protection giocano un ruolo cruciale. Questi filtri non solo proteggono dai organic vapors with a low boiling point, but also provide a barrier against contaminants that pose serious health risks. 

In this article, we’ll explore why they are essential, when to use them, and the certifications that ensure maximum reliability.

What are AX and AXP filters for respiratory protection?

Plant AX and AXP filters for respiratory protection are devices designed to protect respiratory systems from organic vapors and other harmful substances. Let’s take a closer look:

  1. AX filters: Specifically designed for organic vapors with a boiling point below 65°C. These include volatile compounds like acetone, ether, methanol, and formaldehyde, often found in industrial environments or chemical laboratories.
  2. AXP filters: Provide combined protection against organic vapors and particulates, ensuring enhanced safety in mixed exposure environments.

Both filters, identifiable by their colors brown for AX and brown-and-white for AXPare compatible with single or dual-connection masks, offering versatile and comprehensive protection.

Contaminants requiring AX and AXP filters for respiratory protection

Plant AX filters are specifically designed to protect against the following toxic substances:

  1. Dichloroethane: Used as a cleaning solvent in chemical, manufacturing, and textile industries.
  2. Dichloroethylene: Impiegato nella produzione di pellicole plastiche e adesivi, principalmente nei settori automotive e della lavorazione dei materiali plastici.
  3. Chlorine-bromomethane: A solvent and chemical intermediate in laboratories, used in pharmaceutical and chemical industries.
  4. Acetaldehyde: Employed in the production of acetic acid, perfumes, and dyes, within food, cosmetic, and industrial sectors.
  5. Ethyl bromide: Utilized as an alkylating agent in organic synthesis for chemical and pharmaceutical industries.
  6. Butane: Used as fuel for lighters, gas cylinders, and propellant in aerosols, within energy and cosmetic sectors.
  7. Ethyl chloride: Used in the production of resins and plastics
    within polymer and coatings industries.
  8. Chloroform: Solvente per estrazione e intermedio chimico, utilizzato nell’Industria farmaceutica e chimica.
  9. Allyl chloride: A raw material for producing pesticides and resins in agriculture and manufacturing.
  10. Vinyl chloride: A monomer for PVC production used in construction and building industries.
  11. Difluoro-dibromomethane: Fluido refrigerante e agente estinguente utilizzato nei settori della refrigerazione e antincendio.
  12. Ethanol and Isopropanol: Volatile organic solvents common in laboratories and manufacturing plants.
  13. Ethyl ether: A chemical solvent and anesthetic used in medicine and research.
  14. Ethylene oxide: sterilizzante per attrezzature mediche e disinfettante utilizzato nei settori sanitario e industriale.
  15. Formaldehyde: A chemical used in the production of resins, adhesives, and insulating foams, as well as a disinfectant and preservative in medical and cosmetic fields. Common in wood, textile, and pharmaceutical industries.
  16. Furan: A chemical intermediate in resin and drug production for chemical and pharmaceutical sectors.
  17. Isobutane: A propellant in aerosols and a fuel used in cosmetic and refrigeration industries.
  18. Methanol: Solvente, combustibile alternativo e materia prima per la produzione di formaldeide, presente nei processi chimici e nei carburanti industriali. Utilizzato nei settori energetico, chimico e farmaceutico.
  19. Propylene imine: Used in the production of adhesives and sealants in construction and manufacturing..

AXP filters additionally protect against:

  1. Acetone: versatile solvent used in chemical, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and manufacturing industries to dissolve resins, oils, and fats, as well as to produce plastics and pharmaceuticals. Also used in the production of paints, solvents, and adhesives.
  2. Acrolein: Intermedio chimico nella produzione di acrilati, metacrilati e resine acriliche utilizzato nell’industria chimica nella produzione di plastiche e resine.
  3. Dichloroethylene: Solvente per la rimozione di grassi nei metalli e nella produzione di adesivi, rivestimenti e plastificanti utilizzato nell’ industria metalmeccanica e nella produzione industriale.

AXP filters for respiratory protection also are effective against toxic particulates like fine dust and chemical mists.


Sectors where to use AX and AXP filters for respiratory protection

AX and AXP filters for respiratory protection are recommended in environments where exposure to hazardous organic vapors or particulates is a risk. 

Key industries using these filters include:

  1. Chemical and Petrochemical Industry: Protection against substances like chlorine, acrolein, formaldehyde, and methanolin production and synthesis plants.
  2. Automotive Sector: Used in the manufacturing of plastic components and adhesives that emit chemicals like dichloroethylene andacetone.
  3. Plastics and Paint Industry: Shield workers from vapors released by solutions like ethylene chloride and chloroform during the production of plastics, paints, and coatings.
  4. Pharmaceutical Industry: Protection against gases and vapors from substances like ether, methyl ethyl ether, and acetic acidcommonly used as solvents or reagents.
  5. Textile Industry: Filters protect from vapors including acetone, ether, and ethyl chlorideemitted during the processing of synthetic and natural materials.
  6. Metalworking and welding: Essential for workers handling acetone and methanol for metal cleaning and treatment, as well as toxic welding gases.
  7. Research and Laboratories: Used in labs where hazardous chemicals like chloroform and vinyl chloride are handled.

Using AX and AXP filters is critical for ensuring worker safety and preventing acute or chronic inhalation risks.

Certifications and Compliance

To ensure maximum protection, AX and AXP filters for respiratory protection must meet strict standards. These devices comply with European regulation EN 14387:2004+A1:2008, certifying their effectiveness against gases, specific vapors, and combinations with particulates. 

The EN certification assicura che i filtri siano sottoposti a test di qualità approfonditi e siano adatti per l’uso in ambienti industriali complessi. Scegliere DPI conformi alle normative non è solo un obbligo legale, ma anche una garanzia per la salute.


Investing in respiratory protection is crucial for a healthy and productive work environment.
AX and AXP filters provide a versatile and reliable solution for workers exposed to organic vapors and hazardous particulates.

Scopri i filtri per maschere AX e AXP Milla con connessione universale e scegli la protezione giusta per te!

For more information, contact us for personalized consultations.


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